* Don't you just love it? (AMC Two Scoops Commentary for September 26, 2011) | Soap Central

Don't you just love it?

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Don't you just love it?
All Two Scoops for
The week of September 26, 2011
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I am just loving Kate Collins. Janet may be over the top and yes, I don't believe Janet could have picked up Krystal, Babe, Brooke, Adam, Opal or Joe but it just doesn't matter. She has wigged out! And what's up with all those shoes left behind? I love that she is tormenting Jonathan. He may have the excuse of a brain tumor as to why he killed 3 people, but he deserves whatever Janet can dish out.

I am just loving Kate Collins. Janet may be over the top and yes, I don't believe Janet could have picked up Krystal, Babe, Brooke, Adam, Opal or Joe but it just doesn't matter. She has wigged out! And what's up with all those shoes left behind? I love that she is tormenting Jonathan. He may have the excuse of a brain tumor as to why he killed 3 people, but he deserves whatever Janet can dish out.

JR and Babe are really great together. Their beach scenes were fun and sexy. I'm truly enjoying this couple. We need more levity in Pine Valley. There have been too many dark storylines in the past couple of years. Seems lots of viewers agree with that from the mail I've received. My AMC Fan Spotlight of the week comes from Kathy who writes: "Now I wish the writers would just sit down and write a "real" love story. All we have seen are characters getting into bed with anyone they felt helped them in any way or to get what they wanted. When have we seen a real romance? Not since the early days of Tad/Dixie and Edmund/Maria. It galls me that just when the lovely romantic moments between Kendall and Zach begin they cut to something else. Name one "love" couple on that show today!" Here's hoping for some love in the afternoon!

Kendall and Zach have announced to the world they are in love and Ryan is cast aside to watch from the sidelines. It appears Kendall and Ryan are going the friend route and I like that scenario. It's about time Ryan moved out of the Pine Cone!

While I loved seeing David this week, I'll withhold judgment on a David/Julia pairing. I haven't cared for the Julia since she returned but we'll see how this progresses.

I didn't love Krystal having Adam committed this week. It was totally inappropriate and unbelievable. What's up with Palmer wanting Krystal? I'm thinking he just can't get his eyes off that cleavage or perhaps he's gone senile. I've heard from several viewers that are truly enjoying the Krystal and Adam pairing, but I don't see it. I still have hope for Brooke and Adam.

Greg's in love with Erica? I'm not sure I'm buying that although Tad's comment on the jails would be overflowing if everyone in love with Erica was incarcerated was classic. Now we all know that Greg performed Erica's abortion so long ago. Looks like Josh's paternity is going to be questioned before long. Could it be Tad has it figured out? Lots of mail on Tad's long hair. Yes, I agree he needs a cut!

Di's near death experience didn't let the cat out of the bag about Dixie but it did come close. Tad seems to have some feelings for Di. How will Dixie handle all this when she returns?

Everyone is blaming Amanda for the many mishaps in PV while we know Janet is to blame. I know they are doing their best to get sympathy for Amanda since Josh is definitely "gaslighting" her, but I feel basically nothing for Amanda other than can't she just leave?

Lots of mail on Zach and Kendall --- so much support. I'd like to see a couple stay together for a change. Maybe it will be Zach and Kendall or even JR and Babe. Hope everyone has a great week and I'll see you in 2!


Mary Page
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